Thursday, November 8, 2012

Recipe: Tomato Sauce

Ok, we have delicious fresh tomato sauce at home here all the time and I've been wanting to ask our housekeeper how she makes it.  Turns out it's like the easiest thing ever!  Tomato Sauce Recipe:

1) In a pot, add the contents of a huge can of "tomate triturado."  It looks like in English it translates to crushed tomatos or tomato puree, so I'm guessing you could use either, depending on your preference for sauce texture (I like mine chunky!)

2) Add a little salt, a tonnnnnnn of oregano, and large pinches of sugar (white or brown).  I've made tomato sauce in the past, and I think it's never been as good since I didn't add the sugar (which removes the acidity of the tomatoes).

3) Cook on medium heat until all is heated through and it starts to boil.  Yum. 

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